Thursday, February 23, 2017

Bitchin: Hi, 2017! I'm back!

Well, I must be doomed for not writing anything in it and it's already 2017. So, happy new year,  happy lunar year, happy valentine, and happy birthday to me, lol. This year, I want to do something different with my blog. Well, since the title of the blog is fictionedfictionalfiction, I think I have to do something which related to that thing. Therefore, I'm planning to do a project with it. In the same time, I'm hoping that I won't abandon it. I have several abandoned projects (lol) and I was a bit guilty to not to continue. However, it's been so hard to focus about it since my head is always full of new ideas (no, I'm not bragging, it's quite annoying tbh). Thus, I simply hope that I can do the right thing by combining the purpose of this blog with the project that I've usually done in some places.

Then, the idea is I'm gonna write post about movie through a fictional character that I've made. I have thought several ideas about it and man, it's quite hard to think up the name for the character. I need something that can be remembered easily. Something short and catchy. But, it's too hard to determine the right name for the character. Well, I've made a decision about it, though. I just don't know if it'll be the right name for the character. Hopefully yes (crossing fingers af). Then, speaking about the character, I think she might be (yes, it's a 'she') twenty something and work in an publishing office. That's the plan. Idk if I will change it 😁. Also, she has a friend, whom has similar hobby like her, watching movie; and basically, the story will be about her experience in watching movie. Maybe there will be some stories about her daily lives and whatsoever. Some stories might be from my real experience or some things that I made up, so don't take it seriously.

As for now, I'm still writing some parts about it. Maybe I will post it soon. Hopefully I will. And I hope this will heal my 'writer block' issues because I want to finish my abandoned project as soon as I can since I come up with many other ideas (I have made 3-4 drafts about it and all thanks to the recent game that I've played. 💀💀💀💀💀). Well, I should stop blabbering about many things and just writing about the project for this blog. Whoever who read this post, thanks for reading it. Hopefully, I can come up with interesting post. Hopefully, Mata ashita (really?) and stay watching movie!

(one of the doramas I've enjoyed last year. Well, I'm thinking my character should be as cute as Mikuri-san 😆😆😆😆😆😆, but I'm so angsty it won't happen lol)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

About a Film: The Hoarder (2015)

Director: Matt Winn
Screenwriter: James Handel, Matt Winn
Casts: Robert Knepper, Mischa Barton, Valene Kane
Origin: USA
Running time: 84 minutes
Synopsis: A woman find out more than her fiance's habit of hoarding

tenang, ledis, ada aa disini
Kalau diliat dari judulnya, tau dong ini filmnya bakal kayak gimana. Sebenarnya diliat dari posternya pun, paling ngga ente sekalian pada taulah jalur filmnya bakalan kayak gimana. Kalau aku sendiri sih, milih nonton film ini gara-gara I belong to that category, hoarder. Seneng banget numpuk-numpuk barang, sampe kadang bingung sendiri mau ditumpuk dimana lagi tu barang. Belum lagi, ujung-ujungnya diomelin gara-gara kamar yang katanya mirip *ehem* kapal pecah (ngga kebayang gimana bentuk kapal pecah yang sebenar-benarnya). Nah, pokoknya alasan yang sepertinya utama sih karena itu, aku mau liat gimana film tentang hoarder yang dibikin semacem horor atau thriller (yang mana aku yakin ngga bakalan ada kapal pecahnya)
neng atut, abang dimanee...
Seperti biasa, aku mau mulai dari plot film ini. Ella (Mischa Barton) dan temannya, Molly (Emily Atack) mendatangi sebuah gedung penyimpanan barang dengan maksud untuk mencari tahu clue dimana tunangan wanita tersebut berada. Di beberapa menit pertama, keadaan masih aman tanpa ada kecurigaan yang berlebih kecuali kenapa mereka bisa sampe di lantai yang gelap dan mirip gudang yang ngga kepake. Terus, akhirnya mereka ketemu sama ruangan yang disewa tunangan wanita tersebut dan di dalamnya, ternyata menunggu sesuatu yang tidak mereka harapkan. Molly, tanpa sempat melarikan diri, jadi korban sebuah makhluk yang agak mengingatkanku dengan makhluk di The Descent, walaupun lebih kurang meyakinkan bentuknya (lol). Pokoknya setelah Molly diambil dan entah diapakan oleh makhluk tersebut, teror pun dimulai. Ella tersebut harus berjuang untuk melarikan diri dari makhluk aneh tersebut, bersamaan dengan beberapa hoarder yang sedang berada di gedung tersebut.Pertanyaan sekarang adalah apakah Ella berhasil menyelamatkan diri atau dia akan mengalami nasib yang sama dengan Molly? Ditonton aja biar tahu.
ta kilik kilik telinga ente
Okelah, barusan aja aku encouraging ente sekalian buat nonton, tapi honestly kalau aku disuruh jujur, The Hoarder adalah tipikal film horor yang standar. Akting standar, plot standar, bahkan bagian yang seharusnya bikin aku terkejut terasa standar. Film ini sangat bisa dibaca. Kamu bisa tahu siapa yang akan jadi korban, bahkan siapa orang jahatnya. Bagi orang-orang yang seneng film horor dimana ente harus nebak siapa orang jahatnya, film ini kurang menantang (duile, sok iyes banget dah). Cuman ya kalau ternyata udah terlanjur nonton film ini setengah jalan ya, dilanjutin aja sih (kayak aku) karena film ini punya nilai cukup untuk dikategorikan sebagai film horor. Standar lah. Jalan ceritanya cukup tertata dengan akting yang passable dan mungkin bagi beberapa orang, film ini cukup terselamatkan dengan adanya Robert Knepper, salah pemeran Prison Break yang nampaknya didapuk sebagai ‘pemanis’ film ini.

(hm! trailer!)
New Trailer Buzz @ youtube

Thursday, November 24, 2016

About JDrama: Sekai Ichi Muzukashii Koi/ The Most Difficult Romance (2016)

Target....Full Speed....Two Months!
(Samejima Reiji)

Director: Satoru Nakajima and Shintaro Sugawara
Screenwriter: Shigeki Kaneko
Cast: Satoshi Ohno, Haru, Eiko Koike, Kazuki Kitamura
Origin: Japan
Runtime: April 13- June15, 2016
Synopsis: A man who can find it hard to show love toward someone

neng, pilih deh ikan yang mana
I'm so into JDorama and KDrama lately and I have been so much time in watching some series randomly and I found some of them are good and others are not so good, that I've regretly decided to hold it before finish it. Now, after put some reviews about film, I decide to put review about JDorama and it will be Sekai Ichi Muzukashii Koi. Yes, that dorama, the one with Satoshi Ohno in it. Well, aren't you excited? Because I am! 💃💃💃 I adore his acting in Kagi no Kakatta Heya and Maou; and I know for sure he will do a great job within the dorama. Aside him, the opposite lead character, Haru is not a bad one. I know her from Grasshopper and albeit, she just appear in the screen for some time, I'm impressed on how she can use her 'little' part to gain great impact for the other characters in Grasshopper. There are also some supporting actors and actress that always be my favorite, two of them are Eiko Koike and Kazuki Kitamura. They are superb and I never doubt their skills in acting. Thus, I find myself tempted in watching this dorama, even though I haven't spent much time in watching office romance dorama.
cup cup wau wau
It begins with the story of a 34-year-old man named Samejima Reiji (Satoshi Ohno). He is the director of a first-class hotel. He is famous, handsome, rich, but, he is single; he have never succeeded in having relationship with woman. It's all thanks to his had personality. He have done several omiai with women of his criteria, but they all rejected him after meeting him for the first time, whereas Reiji urged himself to find a fiancee as soon as possible. His urge is caused by his rival in the business, Wada Hideo (Kazuki Kitamura). Wada is the president of the top hotel in Japan and he likes to tease Samejima. One day, Wada teased Samejima because he is single and Samejima decided that he has to a fiancee in the next Hotel Association Party. His pledge then brought him to meet Shibayama Misaki (Haru), a new worker in his hotel. He soon find himself attracted to her. However, his journey to get Shibayama's heart is not easy to do. Samejima has no experience in courting a girl and Shibayama is pretty much an airheaded girl. He got some supports from people around him, including his personal assistant, Muraoki Maiko (Eiko Koike), his driver, even from his rival, Wada. He gradually changed his eccentric personalities, only for Shibayama and Shibayama later understood that Samejima carried a special feeling. But, Shibayama does not think that a relationship between a boss and his underling is appropriate. That matter made Samejima broken and he almost give Shibayama up before got some encouragement from people around him. And now, what will he do to win Shibayama's heart? and will she accept Samejima's feeling? You people need to find the answer by yourself.
i love thiiiiiiiiiiis scene
Now, it;s time for my opinion and this is seriously a good drama. Well, romance is the most mainstream genre in dorama but, this one is a bit different than any romance dorama that I've watched (I admit that I only watched several romance dorama, lol 😄😄😄😄). The story is well-built and the characters had its own interesting past. While I feel that Samejima is quite a bit tsundere, but somehow Ohno can make its own version of tsundere. It's pretty different when I compared it with MatsuJun's version in HYD. I feel like Ohno's version is cuter because he portrayed Samejima as a childish person, but he cannot show it in front of Shibayama and put a brave and wise front. Somehow, I can feel how hard and difficult for him to change himself, to be the person who can show his love sincerely to the one that he loved. Well, this is really 'Sekai Ichi Muzukashii Koi' because I can see how hard Samejima's struggle in getting closer to Shibayama. He forced himself to drink milk, Shibayama's favorite drink albeit he didn't like it. He named his upcoming restaurant after the name that has been prepared by Shibayama; and many others. His struggle is amusing, though it's heart-wrecking in some points. There are also a story between Muraoki and Wada, that Wada confessed his love to her. However, Muraoki seemed hesitate to accept his feeling because she didn't want to betray his boss by having a relationship with his rival. Another story is about some quirky Samejima's underlings and their hidden agenda to make Samejima and Shibayama dating, so that Samejima will be in a good mood all the time. I really enjoy my time watching the dorama and I have no complaint in spending my time. I hope there will be another dorama with this interesting premise. I really love this 'Isanami-Suyao' and 'Isanami-Shiho' couple. Maybe I should search for another dorama which is written by Shigeki Kaneko. Well, I'm so excited!

Credits for the meme:

Monday, October 31, 2016

About a Film: Re-animator (1985)

I gave him life
(Herbert West)

Director: Stuart Gordon
Screenwriter: Dennis Paoli
Cast: Jeffrey Combs, Bruce Abbott, Barbara Crampton
Origin: USA
Runtime: 104 minutes
Synopsis: A young man discovers the secrets of immortality
Based on H.P. Lovecraft's short story Reanimator: 1942

Siapa sih yang ngga tau film ini? Kebanyakan orang yang suka film horor jadul biasanya memastikan mereka pernah menonton film yang legendaris ini. Well, aku berani bilang film ini legendaris karena film ini sepertinya tidak pernah absen dari list film horor yang menampilkan adegan yang gore. Nah, kalau sudah kebanyakan orang yang tahu tentang film ini, apa perlu aku nulis post tentang film ini? I’ll see it why not, siapa tau aku punya pendapat yang berbeda dari kebanyakan orang. Siapa tau, aku kurang yakin juga, melihat sudah berpuluh-puluh orang menulis tentang film ini. But well, ngga masalah kan?
pak, liat belakang, pak
Kegilaan sudah ditunjukkan dari awal film ini dimulai. Seorang wanita, seorang pria, dan 2 orang polisi terus-terusan mengetuk pintu ruangan seorang dokter dan dari suara yang berasal dari dalam ruangan tersebut, mereka menyadari bahwa ada sesuatu yang aneh sedang terjadi di dalam ruangannya, namun ruangan tersebut terkunci dan mereka mendobrak masuk. Ketika mereka berhasil masuk, betapa kagetnya waktu mereka melihat apa yang sedang terjadi. Dr. Gruber sedang terbaring di lantai dan Mr. Herbert West yang berada di bawah pengawasannya, terlihat seperti memegang sebuah suntikan. Tapi, sebelumnya Dr. West berhasil menyuntiknya terdapat beberapa komplikasi pada Dr. Gruber dan dia pun meninggal dengan kondisi mengenaskan. Hal ini kemudian mempertemukan Mr. West kepada Dr. Cain dan Dr. Hill. Mereka bertiga memiliki ketertarikan yang sama, yakni pada otak dan kinerja organ tersebut. Namun, Mr. West memiliki cara berbeda untuk memulai penelitiannya tentang otak dimana dia mempunyai keinginan untuk menghidupkan kembali orang yang sudah mati dengan sebuah suntikan yang sudah dia kembangkan selama beberapa waktu. Kemudian, Dr. Cain yang memerlukan roommate akhirnya bisa mengenal Mr. West sedikit demi sedikit. Dr. Cain menyadari bahwa Mr. West tidak menyukai kuliah yang diberikan Dr. Hill, walaupun mereka sama-sama tertarik pada studi organ yang sama. Satu waktu, dia menemukan bahwa ada sesuatu yang aneh pada teman satu rumahnya ini. Tunangan Dr. Cain, Meg, juga merasa ada yang aneh dengan Mr. West. Namun, mereka tidak bisa mengkonfrontasi lebih jauh apa yang aneh dengan Mr. West. Sampai mereka melihat sendiri apa yang sebenarnya dilakukan oleh Mr. West.
hai, neng
Baiklah, sudah lama banget aku pengen nulis tentang film ini, tapi baru kesampaian sekarang. Overall pendapat yang aku punya adalah film yang cukup menjijikkan. Gimana ngga, dari awal adegan gore udah mulai sliweran di depan laptop dan adegan gore ini semakin menuju ke klimaks cerita malahan semakin banyak dan fantastis (fantastis dalam artian ngga bisa dikonsumsi buat semua orang, yakin deh). Kalau diliat dari segi cerita, film ini sebenarnya film dengan tema yang cukup bagus dimana seorang dokter pasti mengharapkan bisa menyelamatkan pasiennya dan menghindari kematian; tapi eksekusi film ini sedikit banyak terasa konyol karena beberapa adegan, entah kenapa membuatku tertawa. Rasanya hampir seperti menonton Evil Dead, tapi settingnya lebih serius, di bidang kedokteran apparently. Dan film ini bisa dibilang lumayan edukatif tentang ilmu kedokteran dimana sebagai penonton, aku disuguhi dengan berbagai penjelasan tentang human brain dan replika dari otak manusia yang blenyek-blenyek (lol). Pertarungan opini antara Dr. Hill dan Mr. West mengenai kinerja otak manusia juga asik disimak, oddly ditambah dengan adanya Dr. Cain yang perlahan berubah posisi dari seseorang yang mengikuti Dr. Hill menjadi teman sekamar membantu penelitian gila Mr. West. Di satu sisi, bisa dibilang film ini seperti versi lain dari film zombie. For me, this movie is unusually sinister. There is something more than a story of a mad person wants to reanimate dead body. Indeed.

PS. I love the opening credits

(sorry, it doesn't scare me to pieces)

aimpublicity@ Youtube

Sunday, October 30, 2016

About a Film: Into the Forest (2015)

It's the right thing to do

Director: Patricia Rozema
Screenwriter: Patricia Rozema
Cast: Ellen Page, Evan Rachel Wood, Max Minghella, Callum Keith Rennie
Origin: Canada
Runtime: 101 minutes
Synopsis: Two daughters need to survive in the middle of forest after losing their father
Based on the novel Into the Forest by Jean Hegland

awas koen!
A film by Patricia Rozema, played by Ellen Page and Evan Rachel Wood. A director, two female lead actresses and my brain is just hypothesized by itself. Is it somehow related with feminist’s view or something near that? One thing that I know about the movie before I decide to watch it is it’s a survival movie. Okay, women and survival. I’m hoping there will be a zombie thing but, it’s just in my imagination. No one said about zombie in the movie. Instead, the movie is categorized as a science-fiction drama. So, I’m thinking there will be alien, but….yeah, maybe it’s about alien. Definitely.
waduh waduh
The movie introduces me with a family of three. A Dad (Callum Keith Rennie) and two daughters named Eva (Evan Rachel Wood) and Nell (Ellen Page). The two daughters had different personalities. Eva was…calmer than Nell. While Nell was always complaining everything straightly, Eva always kept everything in her mind. One day, a certain event made some changes in their lives. There was an outage and suddenly, they needed to learn how to live without power, in a secluded area since they live in the middle of forest. Fortunately, their father knew how to handle the situation and they could live without having a hard time; even though, the daughters started to complaint about how the things changed. Things turned worse when the father died in an unfortunate accident. The stress between the daughters began to swell up and they started to fight each other. The more they lived without the power, the more they began to realize how different they were. Then, in one rainy night, Eli (Max Minghella), Nell’s boyfriend, came to their house and he invited Nell to come with him. To go to the place where the people gathered, so they could live without holed up in the house without power. So, what would Nell do? Would she leave her sister alone or she just stayed with her, despite of all the fighting that they had?
aku syedih
After I see the movie, I feel like praising myself because I can finish the movie without any intention to skip any scene. You see, there is no alien, at all, in the movie. It’s purely drama with….yeah, I know why it’s a science-fiction movie. Usually, a drama movie like this will bore me, certainly. But, this one isn’t. I can emotionally relate to this movie because I have a sister and we had…our problems. Yet, I love my sister and I’ll help her if she needs any help. This movie shows me the depth of sisterhood, in the hardest moment. Another thing, just like the title, Into the Forest depicts how people lived without any power. I figured that the movie and the novel (since the movie based on a novel) can be a perfect study for Eco criticism where people need to give a deep thought about the environment. I think both the writer of the novel and the director of the movie want me to realize the dependence of people with power and somehow, they want us to see that we need to go back into the forest, back to nature, where the things won’t be rotten and expired. Solid performance from Evan Rachel Wood and Ellen Page because the two of them need to do many things in here. Hunting, chopping wood, skinning pig, and many others to show their struggle, living in the middle of the forest. I’d also admire how Patricia Rozema captures the moments and put it together in one beautiful movie. Nice! And no alien, my bad.

A24 @ Youtube

About a Film: Missing You/ Neol Gidarimyeo (2016)

The only reason why the Devil can win because of the negligence of the good guys
(Nam Hee-Joo)

Director: Mo Hong-Jin
Screenwriter: Mo Hong-Jin
Cast: Shim Eun-Kyung, Yoon Je-Moon, Kim Sung-Oh
Runtime: 108 minutes
Origin: South Korea
Synopsis: After 15 years, a young Nam Hee-Joo have to deal with the killer of her father

awas lho kalo ngga nonton!
I watched the movie after saw Shim Eun-Kyung’s performance in Miss Granny and it’s quite intriguing to see her in suspense-thriller movie. Yes, despite of the title which suited for a romance movie, this one categorizes as a thriller one. Thus, I spent no time in finding information about the movie and decided to watch it in the near moment. Well, I find it quite shocking because the movie is released in the early moment of 2016. This movie is definitely out of my radar! Whereas, I’ll always try to spend some time for finding some Korean thriller movies (you see, I favor Korean thriller movies). Plus, the cast of the movie is quite good, with Shim Eun Kyung as the lead actress; I’m expecting the movie will be a good one.
enak juga lantai dikoranin
The first scene of the movie is taken place in a court. A perpetrator named Kim Gi-Beom (Kim Sung-Oh) had his 15-year-imprisonment sentence as the result of his wrongdoing. Yet, the sentence was not the one that the families of the victims want and all of them were complaining about how unfair the result was. In the midst of the rage of the families’ victims, there was a -young little girl named Nam Hee-Joo (Han Seo-Jin) who saw the scene before her eyes in silence. She couldn’t say anything and didn’t know what to do, except to flee from the court room. Later, it was explained that Nam Hee-Joo was the family of the victim as her dad was killed by the offender. Because of the murder, she began to live in solitary with the support of her dad’s subordinates whom were policemen. She started to work in police office as a janitor while the policemen gave her a great care, including Detective Dae-Young (Yoon Je-Moon) and Section Chief Ban (Kim Won-Hae) who knew Hee-Joo’s father a lot and wanted to give Kim Gi-Beom a great punishment. Eventually, Kim Gi-Beom was out from the prison and ready to come back to the society. Yet, the moment he came out from the society, there were some people murdered, rather in the similar method as 15 years ago. The strange thing was the policemen already had their eyes to Kim Gi-Beom right after he came out from the prison and they didn’t find any proof if he was the one who committed the crime in this moment. Then, who was the real murderer? And how Nam Hee-Joo (Shim Eun-Kyung) dealt with her life when she knew Kim Gi-Beom was out from the prison?

tadinya kupikir ini film 'the Machinist'
As usual, Korean thriller movie usually begins with a tragedy. This movie has the similar opening as many other movies with the story of the lead character that loses her father due to unfortunate circumstance. This fact leads to the complicated life of the lead character as well-depicted by Shim Eun-Kyung. She lived alone, quite absorbed by Nietzsche’s thought about the good and the bad guy, and secretly investigated about the murder that Kim Gi-Beom did 15 years ago. Oddly, the movie is reminded me of I Saw the Devil which the lead character had an intention to do revenge by himself. Yet, I also find it different because Missing You is rather melancholic than I Saw the Devil because the movie is described from different perspective, it’s a movie of a young girl who’d lost her father. The bittersweet life which is led by Nam Hee-Joo sometimes seemed childish in its own way. On the other side, I can say that the movie is like Monster without any comical expression. It’s definitely darker and gloomier than Monster! Personally, I’m gonna say that the movie might be unoriginal in theme but, the plot is quite good. It’s confusing for the first glance (yes, I find some things that are better explained; but, they aren’t) but, the moment it progressed, it becomes an interesting development. Thumbs up to the final scene of Nam Hee-Joo and Kim Gi-Beom because it is…impressive and it definitely captures the sadness of a little girl who’d missed her parents. Last words, Missing You is a movie that you don’t want to be missed.

Movies.Like @ Youtube

Monday, October 24, 2016

About a Film: Fright Night (1985)

You're so cool, Brewster!

Director: Tom Holland
Screenwriter: Tom Holland
Casts: Chris Sarandon, William Ragsdale, Amanda Bearse
Origin: USA
Running time: 106 minutes
Synopsis: A teenager haunted by his neighbour

ea apaan tu!?
When my friend mentioned about this movie, what I have in mind is Colin Firth’s Fright Night and I really didn’t know that it’s a remake version of this flick. Then, I got a copy of this one and why don’t I watch it? Besides, my friend also told me that this one got some amazing music (yeah, I got hooked with 80’s music since forever) so, yeah. Let’s begin the show!
Makan nih!
The premise of this movie is simple. A young boy named Charley Brewster find out some weird things about his new neighbors. Something’s terrifying and unexpected. Then, he tried to tell everyone about it; begins with his mother, friends, even police. But nobody believed him. He went to his last resort, Peter Vincent, whom he believed can solve the problem. But, the sad thing is Peter Vincent is just an actor who portrayed his role on television. Peter Vincent is not the real person who can help him to handle his neighbors. Then, Charley fall into a deep desperation because his neighbors began to invade his house and he couldn’t do anything to save his life. Even later, his friend and girlfriend’s life was also on stake. He should try anything to keep everyone saved and what will he do to defeat his neighbors? Just give it a try to watch it, even better if you haven’t watched the latter version.
Ih, atit tau!
Now, this Fright Night is made for teens back there. I had imagined that this is one of those movies that teens watched in Drive-in Theater, where the girls went screaming and the boys were the ones whom put their hands around their shoulders. Heh. But, it’s not as stupid as the other stupid movies that I’ve seen. The simplicity of the story makes it easy to understand and some funny scenes make me laugh. A bit. This is like a cheesy and stupid version of Dracula with similar story about the vampire and the triangle love between the main character, the girlfriend, and the vampire. For me, albeit this movie is from 1985 which waaaaaay older than me, I find it enjoyable. Eh yes, I love Evil Ed and his maniacal laugh, I bet that will be one of the things that remind me of the movie. Other than that is the ugly form of the vampire. This is fascinating because the movie in this era always had that ugly form of a monster. And that is different with the usual vampire which always portrayed as the one who came back to ashes when they encountered with the light of the sun. Now, I think I should try to watch the newer version of Fright Night because it seemed more sinister than this version, just like the older Evil Dead to the newer Evil Dead.

(what a helluva trailer)
Supernatural Earth @ youtube