A 10-episodes drama played by Yasuko Matsuyuki, yay! Released in October 17 until December 19, 2010 by Fuji TV. Honestly, the premise is kinda simple and there is nothing new in the plot. Matsuyuki played as a lone-wolf reporter who is eager to uncover the truth, whatever it is. And like the other drama, her character dealt with something happened in her past, 15 years old. She belonged to a department who consists of not-very-useful people in the company. And as usual, the plot progressed as these not-very-useful people changed into people who can presented a perfect report to be broadcasted by the company.
Frankly, this drama is pretty plain though there are some great actors and actresses in it. But, it's not that disappointing as I can enjoy it much. The character of Kana Aoyama (Yasuko Matsuyuki) is pretty interesting and also the other casts. Nothing's extraordinary but, I can still see how Japanese preserved their ideals in life.
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