Tuesday, August 28, 2012

About a PV : Nega - 虚しき「生」の寓意≒「死」の真意





It will becoming


As my previous post about Nega's latest PV in MP, I mention that it looks a lot like The GazettE's Chizuru. Well, it is, for about first 4 minutes. The same outfit (especially for Jin) with the same atmosphere really bring back The Gazette's Chizuru mood into my mind. Then, my mind goes into Dir en Grey's Red Soil. Now, it's not about the same outfit (Kyo didn't wear bra like Jin does, rite? :p ) but the set and the hands in that PV. I realize it's not as 'same' as it does with The GazettE's Chizuru, but still I'm thinking about Dir en Grey's Red Soil when I see it. Fortunately, Nega still clings into their "stuff" for the rest of PV which are blood everywhere, every members looks suffering, going to die or go die themselves.
I don't mean to bash Nega or something else, but throwing my honest opinion about their new PV. I do understand that they have very own concept in making a PV, it may looks a bit similar in this and that thing. Also, I do understand that Nega's Munashiki song are NOT similar with The GazettE's Chizuru or Dir en Grey's Red Soil.

Btw, Yuu and SAN make a badass intro for this song.


  1. Hahahaa... AGREE!! Good combination I thought, but it's too long. I got bored in the middle of the PV :|
    LOVE SAN's part when he played acoustic and melodic. He's so adorable <3

  2. Finally I got someone who agrees with me *sighs
    Yes, I feel the same, exactly when their solos part begin. It's not that interesting to see blurred random pictures mixed with Jin covered in blood doing some random gestures :/
    Yes, yes, SAN is surely adorable 8)
    I love to see how he turns that melodic part into epicness
